Info PR: 3 I: 47,900,000 L: 0 LD: 191,053,541 I: 243,000Rank: 7 Age: Oct 12, 1999 I: 0 whoissourceRobo: yesSitemap: no Rank: 1013 Price: 5626072 Links: 12|3 Density
Ginkakuji (Silver Pavilion)
Ginkakuji (Silver Pavilion) is a Zen temple at the foot of Kyoto's eastern mountains (Higashiyama). In 1482, shogun Ashikaga Yoshimasa built his retirement villa on the grounds of today's temple, modeling it after Kinkakuji (Golden Pavilion), his grandfather's retirement villa at the base of Kyoto's northern mountains (Kitayama). The villa was converted into a Zen temple after Yoshimasa's...