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Friday, January 7, 2011

24 hour BBQ...the perfect meal to end the week

 24 hour BBQ...the perfect meal to end the week

Wow, what a week. Barbeque to start my week on Monday, and barbeque to end my week on Friday--now that's what I call a good week! ;-)

After work last night we went out for BBQ with a couple friends from work. We went to this place located near Omokgyo Station. This restaurant was the biggest bbq place I've seen--plus it's open 24 hours! The best part about bbq in Korea is the unlimited side dishes--just ask and they will keep coming. We opted for three plates of marinated pork for four people. It was enough to fill us up and make me very happy.

Here's the outside of the restaurant...I was jumping for joy once I saw the place:  

This place was enormous inside. Most Korean bbq restaurants have vents that suck away the smoke: 

Here's our sweet marinated pork on the copper wire grill...notice the cloves of garlic in sesame oil:

This is what happens once the oil gets hot enough...the garlic starts deep frying and gets golden brown!

Approximately one hour or so later, here is the scene of the crime, *burp*--excuse me!

Feeling hungry in the middle of the night? This 24 hour BBQ restaurant is located near Omokgyo Station, exit 8. If you're coming out of exit 8, turn around and walk in the opposite direction. You can't miss it.



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